Classroom Web Site

At Square Roots Preschool, we’re all about having a personal connection and partnership with our families, and communication is key. Each school year, we create a secure classroom web site to communicate with our parents and so that parents can communicate with each other. Only parents who have children enrolled at Square Roots will have access to the web site (as well as people parents designate). Here are some of the features of our classroom web site:

• weekly lesson plans

• pictures and videos of classroom activities (printed photos can be ordered from

• classroom calendar

• announcements and tuition reminders

• optional supplemental activities

• sound bytes (funny things the kids say)

• contact information for parents with children in the class

We update the web site at least weekly. Comments can be left, and though the web site is designed for parents, grandparents and other family members our parents designate may also have access. It’s a great way for loved ones to see what’s going on at school!

We still have openings for fall, so if you are interested in more information, please call 480.447. ROOT.

Discounts for Multiple Programs!

Square Roots Preschool is designed as a two-day program, but we are now offering enrollment in multiple programs, which gives our students an opportunity to delve deeper into a particular subject or have more practice with a topic or skill they may be struggling with. Our programs are designed so that students enrolled in one two-day program will be well prepared for kindergarten, but enrollment in multiple programs will provide a deeper foundation.

As our morning classes fill up, we will begin offering afternoon sessions, as well. Our goal is to offer our families a program that fits with their time and education desires.

Families enrolling their students in more than one program will receive a 20% discount on the second and subsequent programs!

We are a very small school, so check us out while there are still spaces available. Call 480.447.ROOT to schedule a tour!