Crawling is Not Just for Babies


Crawling is typically the first means of locomotion that babies learn and master. By the time a child begins preschool, however, walking is probably his main mode of getting from point A to point B. Still, crawling plays an important role in a preschooler’s development.

Crawling helps with trunk strength. Preschool is likely a child’s first opportunity to learn to sit still for any length of time. Though those periods are typically much shorter than will be asked of a child in kindergarten or elementary school, sitting in preschool is vital to prepare them for longer periods of sitting during their approaching school years. It is common for preschoolers to wiggle a lot during these times of sitting, and we usually chalk it up to limited attention span. That is partially true, but another reason it is difficult for them to sit still is because their trunk strength is still developing. It may be simply uncomfortable for a child to sit up straight for more than brief periods. Crawling helps strengthen a child’s core muscles, those muscles that stabilize the shoulders, girdle, spine, and pelvis. If these core muscles are not developed well, a child may have difficulty sitting upright at a desk because the muscles will fatigue easily.

Crawling is a gross motor skill that helps develop fine motor skills. When a child has a stable trunk and is able to sit, his hands are then free to practice desktop skills, such as writing and cutting. When the foundation is strong, more can be built upon it. This trunk stability makes the shoulders and arms stronger, which is necessary to strengthen the wrists and fingers. The development of all of these components is vital to master fine motor skills that require finger strength.

Crawling gives the brain a workout. It requires that the child use alternating sides of the body at the same time (right arm/left leg and left arm/right leg), which is important to brain development. The movement of crawling helps to increase communication between the two sides of the brain. In order to have the physical coordination that crawling requires, the two sides of the brain are forced to communicate, strengthening pathways that link the brain. Building and strengthening these pathways is important for young children because as they learn to read and write, crossing between the two sides of the brain is required to move smoothly from one side of the paper to the other.

There are a variety of activities that encourage crawling in preschool. At Square Roots Preschool, we play in the following ways:

• Floor activities: We set out a variety of activities on mats on the floor. Children crawl around the mats to access different aspects of the activity, and since the activities are placed close together, the students often crawl between activities.

• Tunnels: Crawl-through tunnels are inviting and fun. They require that children crawl to get from one end to another. A cardboard box “obstacle course” or “fort” works well, too.

• Make-believe: Preschool-aged children love to pretend to be animals. This activity often demands crawling on all fours.

It’s amazing that one activity can do so much for physical and cognitive development. Crawl on, preschoolers!

In the Kitchen with Preschoolers: More Than Just Cooking


At Square Roots Preschool, we do a group project every day–something all the students do together. Cooking projects are some of our favorites. Not only are they fun and produce tasty results, they teach and reinforce a variety of developing skills for preschool-aged students.

What are those skills?

• Following Directions–We love open-ended free time, but it’s also important to know how to follow directions. In contrast to an activity like finger-painting, preschoolers can’t just toss any amount of whatever into a pot and stir. In order to produce a favorable result, we have to go step-by-step and do as instructed.

• Measuring–Knowing that a cup is more than a teaspoon is a great life skill to have, but on an even more basic level, preschoolers who cook know the real-life application of concepts of more and less, liquid and solid, and slowly and quickly. These are all concepts that cooking teaches.

• Self Control–Preschool-aged children are developing their self control. What better a test than not sticking little fingers into a community pot or chomping up an ingredient that’s meant to be part of a recipe?

• Patience–Cooking projects aren’t instant. Good things come to those who wait. Whether we’re baking bread or blending a smoothie, we have to wait for the final product, the fruits of our labor.

• Taking Turns and Contributing in Different Ways–We let each child have a chance to add an ingredient. Only one child can add a teaspoon of vanilla or a cup of yogurt. Each child might not get the exact ingredient he or she wanted to pour, but waiting for your turn and watching and supporting others as everyone contributes is a good skill to have.

• Fine and Large Motor Skills–Pouring small amounts of ingredients is a great way to practice fine motor skills, as is pushing a button on a blender or cutting a strawberry (with a child-safe knife). Stirring the pot and pouring a cup of milk with accuracy help our students practice their large motor skills.

• A Sense of Accomplishment and Teamwork–Perhaps most important of all, students who work together to cook something are a team and get to enjoy the results together. Looking at each other and socializing over a slice of Friendship Bread or a Strawberry Smoothie lets the students know that they’ve done a great job and accomplished their goal.

All of these concepts can be explored at home, as well. Young children love to help in the kitchen, so take advantage of it, and teach them valuable skills in the process!